Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me

Although my birthday isn't until Saturday, my presents arrived in the mail a few days early. My lovely bride got me 10 Te-Amo Meditation Naturals, 10 Te-Amo Meditation Maduros, and a 2-year subscription to Cigar Aficionado magazine. Sweet.

Reviews will be forthcoming.


TJ Kear said...

I love making you happy, my love!

Lisa Chapmond said...

how sweet..

Cindy said...


David Kear said...

Very sweet! Especially the subscription....

I just finished of my stash of Te-Amo Maduros. I am interested to hear what you think of yours.


Dr. Mike Kear said...

Yeah. I've already had both the natural and the maduro version and I have to say that I was pretty close to shocked at how good these cigars are. I remember not particularly liking them in the past, but I'm very pleased with them now. I'll write up a review before too long.